Girls Symphony ~Virgin Symphonic Poem~ Wikia

Events are a period of time where a special dungeon is available that allows you to earn unique currency. Each event has a 3-star Orchestra Member (equivalent to 5-star in Flower Knight Girl) that can be earned and fully upgraded without spending any real money. This girl is referred to as the Event 3-star Orchestra member/girl. Events tend to feature the appearance of one new 4-star Orchestra member and three new 3-star Orchestra member s. A new Selection Gacha also tends to become available to increase the rate of the new orchestra members appearing if you choose to roll it. The event 3 star does not get featured in this gacha because event 3 star orchestra members are not obtainable from gacha.

Each events typically last for two weeks. During the first week, only the first half of the stages and event prizes are available. During the second week, the second half of the event contents become available. Event currency is earned more efficiently in the newly released content, but the cost of the prizes available for the newly released content is also higher.

Event stages are divided into four difficulties: Elementary Level (初級), Intermediate Level (中級), High Level (上級), and Top Level (最上級). There are eight stages total between the first and second halves of the events combined. These stages are referred to as E1 through E8 as shorthand. All event stages can generate raid bosses or Secret Gardens, but some event stages have unique Secret Gardens that produce a large amount event currency. A Secret Garden may be referred to as BS as a shorthand for Bonus Stage.

List of Events[]

# Events Featured Unit
13 EVBanner 0013A
EVBanner 0013B
12 EVBanner 0012A
EVBanner 0012B
11 EVBanner 0011A
EVBanner 0011B
09 EVBanner 0009A
EVBanner 0009B
June Bride's Waltz
Class P01Icon 100100 01
08 EVBanner 0008A
EVBanner 0008B
Mighty Mothers Madrigal
Class G01Icon 100143 01
07 EVBanner 0007A
EVBanner 0007B
Carp Streamer
Class R01Icon 100136 01
06 EVBanner 0006A
EVBanner 0006B
Easter Rhapsody
Class B04Icon 100091 01
05 EVBanner 0005A
EVBanner 0005B
Sakura-Colored Gavotte
Class P02Icon 100133 01
04 EVBanner 0004A
EVBanner 0003B
March of the Spring Breeze
Class G05Icon 100078 01
03 EVBanner 0003A
EVBanner 0003B
Return of Etude
Class R03Icon 100118 01
02 EVBanner 0002
The Hunt, The Graduation Ceremony, and the Love of Brahms
Class B02Icon 100062 01
01 EVBanner 0001
Chocolate Fugue
Class P06Icon 100134 01
00 Flower Knight Girl Launch Collaboration Event
Launch collaboration
Class R01Icon 100150 01

Class B01Icon 100022 01
